Plan for Failure – Don’t Fear It

Plan for Failure – Don’t Fear It

Sometimes the idea of writing that grant proposal, or reaching out to the friend of a friend, or sitting down for coffee with a new prospect seems daunting and paralyzing. What if they say no? Where do I even start to ensure that I don't fail? Well, there's a good chance they will say no... or not right now. And that's ok. Getting told "no" is part of fundraising and I might say, life in general. The one thing you can count on is if you don't ask or try, you will never…Read more
Finding the right Development Director

Finding the right Development Director

One of the most common recommendations I make to nonprofit leaders is to hire a development staffer. I then help them understand how to find the resources and capacity to do it. Once the money is secured and nonprofits embark on the journey of hiring, most have a difficult time finding the right person for the job. Considering that recruiting firm fees start at $15,000, it's up to you to find your talent. Here are a few things to keep in mind to attract strong candidates during your next fundraising hiring process. 1. You get…Read more
So you think you hate fundraising… now what?

So you think you hate fundraising… now what?

I love fundraising. People think I'm crazy for it. Most of my clients contact me because they know they need to beef up their fundraising program, but they either think they can't do it themselves or they don't want to do it themselves. If you fall into this category, I'm here to tell you... You absolutely CAN fundraise and will likely be surprised to find out that it's quite fun. If you are nervous or plain petrified of fundraising, here are a few things to keep in mind: 1. Fundraising is NOT about…Read more