3 Tips to Beat the Summer Fundraising Slump

3 Tips to Beat the Summer Fundraising Slump

Summer can be a tricky time to raise funds as donors are often distracted with vacations and soaking up the best of Madison's favorite season. Here are a few tips for focusing summer development efforts.1. Gratitude MeetingsWhether your organization’s fiscal year ends June 30 or December 31, summer is often a great time to focus on donor appreciation. Whether you are out networking at events or scheduling coffee meetings, now is the time to cultivate lead volunteers and donors by spending time thanking them and sharing updates about your organization. Focus on engaging…Read more

Two new job opportunities at Amanda White Consulting!

The word is definitely out about Amanda White Consulting and our business is growing! We're seeking 2-3 professionals who love fundraising and working with some of Madison's best nonprofit organizations. Amanda White Consulting offers a fun, engaging, and respectful work environment in our beautiful downtown office. People of color, women, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more by clicking below. Fund Development Consultant: Amanda White Consulting seeks 1-2 experienced fund development professionals to manage and/or assist on a number of exciting, meaningful projects. Contract terms are flexible and…Read more
Fundraising Behind the Scenes

Fundraising Behind the Scenes

After six years of consulting with small to mid-size nonprofit organizations, I've seen a familiar trend. All nonprofits struggle with getting the important administrative work of fundraising done. Too often executive directors and development directors are bogged down in the time-consuming work of fundraising operations instead of connecting with donors. Being a nonprofit leader means never having enough time. You’re meeting with donors, crafting clever email campaigns, reporting to the board, getting the year-end letter in the mail…on top of actually running a nonprofit with staff, volunteers, and programs. We get it. Great…Read more
Plan for Failure – Don’t Fear It

Plan for Failure – Don’t Fear It

Sometimes the idea of writing that grant proposal, or reaching out to the friend of a friend, or sitting down for coffee with a new prospect seems daunting and paralyzing. What if they say no? Where do I even start to ensure that I don't fail? Well, there's a good chance they will say no... or not right now. And that's ok. Getting told "no" is part of fundraising and I might say, life in general. The one thing you can count on is if you don't ask or try, you will never…Read more
Finding the right Development Director

Finding the right Development Director

One of the most common recommendations I make to nonprofit leaders is to hire a development staffer. I then help them understand how to find the resources and capacity to do it. Once the money is secured and nonprofits embark on the journey of hiring, most have a difficult time finding the right person for the job. Considering that recruiting firm fees start at $15,000, it's up to you to find your talent. Here are a few things to keep in mind to attract strong candidates during your next fundraising hiring process. 1. You get…Read more
So you think you hate fundraising… now what?

So you think you hate fundraising… now what?

I love fundraising. People think I'm crazy for it. Most of my clients contact me because they know they need to beef up their fundraising program, but they either think they can't do it themselves or they don't want to do it themselves. If you fall into this category, I'm here to tell you... You absolutely CAN fundraise and will likely be surprised to find out that it's quite fun. If you are nervous or plain petrified of fundraising, here are a few things to keep in mind: 1. Fundraising is NOT about…Read more
Fundraising Day Wisconsin – don’t miss it! I’m serious.

Fundraising Day Wisconsin – don’t miss it! I’m serious.

Summer is definitely my favorite time of year. Life is a little more sunny, laid back, and I'm one of those rare people who bask in humidity. It's also the time of year for Fundraising Day Wisconsin - honestly one of my favorite professional events. This one-day conference is a partnership between the Madison and Milwaukee AFP chapters. I attended my first one in 2016 and it far exceeded my expectations. I was impressed that my consulting hero, Gail Perry was the keynote speaker. Penelope Burke, Rachel Muir, and so many other nationally-recognized, phenomenal…Read more
5 smart non-profit blogs you should start following now

5 smart non-profit blogs you should start following now

As I kick-off my new blog, I am excited to share with you - our non-profit leaders - tools, news, and resources to support your incredible work throughout the Wisconsin community and beyond. After five years in non-profit consulting, I've been inspired and amazed at the blood, sweat and tears (sometimes literally!) that you are putting into the over 3,000 non-profits in our region. I've seen so much good happening across the state and I'm grateful to play a small part in supporting you. First off, I'd like to connect you to a few smart, helpful,…Read more